Friday, 8th May
Hello Students!
image owned by kadora
e-learning- Task
1.- Open your notebook.
2.- Write down the date.
Friday , 8th May 2020♥
3.- Open your book page 75.
4.- Write in your notebook.
Activity 10. Listen and Read. Then say true or false.
Here is the audio.Pay attention then, copy the sentences from 1 to 4 and answer true or false.(Copia en tu cuaderno las frases del 1 al 4 y contesta).
Propiedad de Pearson
5.- Copy the LOOK!
Este Look es muy importante relaciona los pronombres personales con los pronombres acusativos, fijaos bien para luego hacer la actividad 11.
Propiedad de Pearson
Activity 11. Copy in your notebook this activity and complete with: me/her/him/it/them/us.
6.- Activity book. Activity 1 page44. Here is the image. If you click on the image it will look bigger (Aquí te dejo la imagen, si pinchas dentro se ve más grande).
Have a nice w-end 🙂
we have finished for today
Monday, 11th May
Hello Students!
image owned by discapnet
e-learning- Task
1.- Open your notebook.
2.- Write down the date.
Monday , 11th May 2020♥
3.- Open your book page 75.
4.- Activity 12.
Copy in your notebook the questions form 1 to 4 and answer a/b/c/d.
5.- Activity 13.
Listen to the story and read.
Here is the audio.
Propiedad de Pearson
6.- Activity 14.
Read and choose.
Copy in your notebook the sentences from 1 to 4 and choose the correct word.
7.- Activity book. Activity 1 page44.
Here is the audio.
If you click on the image it will look larger.
Have a nice day:)
we have finished for today
Wednesday , 13th May
Hi Students!
image owned by aulafacil
e-learning- Task
1.- Open your notebook.
2.- Write down the date.
Wednesday , 13th May 2020♥
Remember the song at page 74.
Today we are going to do some exercises form the Activity book and Mix Ability booked.
Activity Book -Activity 5 page 46.
Activity Book -Activity 6 page 46.
Mix Ability Booked. Exercise 1 page 17.
If you click on the image it will look larger.
All the images from the exercises are owned by Pearson.
Have a nice day
we have finished for today:)